Decorating your child’s bedroom can be one of the most exciting yet challenging things you can do. After all, this is where they’re going to grow up. While your children may be more concerned about the design of their room, as a parent, you want to make sure that it is functional as well. Here are a few ideas to help you merge both desires.
Theme and Colors
Ask any parent about their children’s growth, and they’ll tell you they spend a fortune on clothes. The fact is that children are not only growing physically but also mentally. What may look cool to them right now may not be so cool in a few months. How can you know which theme and color to select so that it won’t go out of style the minute the paint dries? The best way to approach this is to remain neutral. No, that doesn’t mean stark black and white, but you should choose a color and theme that can withstand the test of time. One of the best colors to incorporate into a girl’s room is yellow. Yellow projects brightness and happiness. Who doesn’t want to wake up to that? A boy’s room would look great in blue or green. Both are soothing colors. Be cautious of using red if you don’t want to overstimulate your child.
One of the most important pieces of furniture in your child’s bedroom should be the bed, so it’s a good idea to choose the right bed size and a good quality frame in order to make it last for years down the road. Another area that will be critical to the functionality of the room is your child’s dresser. Yes, most of it will be used for their clothing, but over time, a proper dresser can offer a space to place a TV or additional room for school supplies and other items they wish to store in a safe place.
Creativity Corners
Children are great bundles of imagination and creativity. There’s no better way to encourage this than to add their very own learning corner. This can include things such as a little library that you and your child can visit each night, an art corner for them to express their creativity and a small table to construct projects.
A child’s bedroom is a place that they will spend most of their time in. Therefore, it is incredibly important to design and decorate it in a way that makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. Consider some of the tips here to begin laying down the foundation for a great child’s bedroom.
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